What occurs when a substance melts?

1) It changes from solid to liquid, and heat is absorbed.
2) It changes from solid to liquid, and heat is released.
3) It changes from liquid to solid, and heat is absorbed.
4) It changes from liquid to solid, and heat is released.

as a substance melts, it changes from solid to liquid and heat is absorbed

thanks :)


Well, when a substance melts, it's like watching a solid turn into a liquid hot mess. You see, option 1 is the correct answer. The substance goes from being a solid to a liquid, and while this dramatic transformation is unfolding, heat is absorbed. It's like the substance is having a hot summer fling and soaking up all the warmth it can get. So remember, when something melts, it's getting hot and bothered in the process. Keep your cool!

When a substance melts, it changes from a solid state to a liquid state. The correct answer is option 1) It changes from solid to liquid, and heat is absorbed.

Melting is a phase transition, which is the process of changing from one physical state to another. In the case of melting, the solid substance absorbs heat energy from the surroundings, typically increasing its temperature. As the substance continues to absorb heat, its particles gain enough energy to overcome their attractive forces and begin to move more freely. This increased thermal energy causes the solid substance to break its rigid structure and transform into a liquid.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the fundamental concept of phase transitions and the behavior of substances during melting. The process of melting absorbs heat energy, and the original solid substance transforms into a liquid. By applying this understanding, we can select option 1) as the correct answer.