2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g) + 112 kJ

what do you do to increase the reaction rate?
decrease in pressure or increase in concentration of NO? HELP!

add more NO so that the equation will equilibrate by producing more NO2

NOTE: Changing pressure or concentration of any of the reagents will NOT change the rate. It will change the point of equilibrium but it will not change the rate. Increasing concn of NO or O2 and decreasing pressure of the system will force the equilibrium to the right.

You will need to add a catalyst.

'nic' is not correct as changing the P or concentrations will only change the position of the equilibrium.

Increasing the temperature will bring the reaction to equilibrium more quickly, but will decrease the equilibrium yield as it is an exothermic reaction.

To increase the reaction rate of the given reaction, you can either decrease the pressure or increase the concentration of NO (nitric oxide).

1. Decreasing the pressure: According to Le Chatelier's Principle, when the pressure of a system is decreased, the reaction tends to shift in the direction that reduces the number of moles of gas. In this case, by decreasing the pressure, you are favoring the formation of fewer moles of gas. The forward reaction (2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g) + 112 kJ) results in an increase in the number of moles of gas, so decreasing the pressure will help shift the reaction towards the products, thus increasing the reaction rate.

2. Increasing the concentration of NO: Increasing the concentration of NO will result in more reactant molecules being available to collide and participate in the reaction. This increases the frequency of collisions between the reactant molecules, leading to a higher reaction rate.

Note: The reaction rate can be affected by various other factors such as temperature, catalysts, and surface area, but in this case, decreasing the pressure and increasing the concentration of NO are the two main ways to increase the reaction rate.