is the CEO trying to lead or manage this change initiative?

To determine whether the CEO is trying to lead or manage a change initiative, you can look at their actions and behavior. Here's how you can analyze the situation:

1. Assess the CEO's Vision: Look at the CEO's communication regarding the change. Do they articulate a clear and inspiring vision? Leaders typically focus on establishing a direction, inspiring others, and creating a sense of purpose.

2. Examine the CEO's Action: Observe if the CEO actively participates in the change process. Do they take initiative, make decisions, and set an example for others? Leaders tend to take an active role in driving change by mobilizing resources and championing the cause.

3. Evaluate the CEO's Communication: Analyze whether the CEO utilizes effective communication strategies to rally people around the change. Leaders often employ persuasive communication techniques to gain buy-in and ensure the change is understood and embraced by others.

4. Look for Empowerment: Consider if the CEO encourages team members to take ownership and be involved in the change process. Leaders empower others, delegate authority, and foster collaboration.

5. Assess the CEO's Focus: Determine if the CEO concentrates on the broader strategic aspects of the change or if they are more involved in tactical details. Leaders typically focus on the big picture, while managers may be more involved in day-to-day operations.

Remember, leadership and management are not mutually exclusive. A CEO can exhibit qualities of both depending on the situation. It's important to evaluate the CEO's overall approach to change to determine whether they prioritize leading or managing the initiative.