• Write five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning, in which you correctly use a different verb tense in each sentence.

• Mark each verb used in bold and, in parentheses, identify the specific tense used.
• Post your submission as an attachment by Week 2 Day 7.

1.Education "plays" (simple present tense) a critical role in financial success.

2.I "am currently taking" (present progressive) a financial planning class to insure my children’s future.

3.I know that I "will" (future tense) insure my success for the future by being educated.

4.I "have learned" (present perfect tense) this in life that education is everything to your financial future.

5.I know that after completing my college degree I "will be" (future perfect tense) a stronger financial provider for my family.

Grammar mistakes: insure should be ensure (2 x), 4. I have learned that (not this) in life...at a quick glance the verb tenses appear to be correct, but they were not thorougly checked.

1 - OK

2 - "currently" is not part of the verb; "am taking" is the verb

3 - verb is "will ensure"

4 - comma after "life"

5 - verb is "will be" = simple future tense, not future perfect. Future perfect would be "will have been"

Each of the conference rooms have a computer display

1. Education plays (simple present tense) a critical role in financial success.

2. I am currently taking (present progressive) a financial planning class to insure my children’s future.
3. I know that I will insure (future tense) my success for the future by being educated.
4. I have learned (present perfect tense) this in life that education is everything to your financial future.
5. I know that after completing my college degree, I will be (future perfect tense) a stronger financial provider for my family.