500 divided by 100

explain the decimal
movement when dividing by 100.

What is 500 divided by 100?

What happened to the decimal point.

See my last answer for an explanation.

there is no decimal point because it is a whole number

To understand the decimal movement when dividing by 100, we need to review the concept of decimal places.

When we divide a number by 100, we are essentially dividing it by a value that has two decimal places, which is (100.00). Dividing by this number is the same as moving the decimal point two places to the left.

Let's see how this works with the example you provided, 500 divided by 100:

Step 1: Divide 500 by 100: 500 ÷ 100 = 5

Step 2: Move the decimal point two places to the left: 5 becomes 5.00

So, when dividing 500 by 100, the decimal point moves two places to the left, resulting in the answer of 5.00.

This means that the answer has two decimal places because we divided by a number with two decimal places.

It's important to note that if the number you are dividing has fewer decimal places than the divisor (in this case, 100), you can add zeros to the end of the quotient to maintain the same number of decimal places. In this example, since 500 is a whole number, we added two zeros after the decimal point to indicate that the answer has two decimal places.