“Competitive firms do not want to produce its goods even after an increasing marginal product has set in and the marginal cost is decreasing”. Do you agree?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with an explanation.

According to basic economic theory, competitive firms aim to maximize their profits by finding the level of output where their marginal costs equal their marginal revenue. In a perfectly competitive market, firms are price takers and cannot influence the market price.

Now, let's analyze the statement "Competitive firms do not want to produce its goods even after an increasing marginal product has set in and the marginal cost is decreasing". To address this, we need to consider the concepts of marginal product and marginal cost.

Marginal product (MP) refers to the additional output that a firm can produce by adding one more unit of input (e.g., labor or capital). Initially, when marginal product is increasing, it suggests that firms are becoming more productive and can produce more goods with each additional unit of input. This situation can potentially lead to higher profits as more output is being produced.

However, firms also need to consider the relationship between marginal product and marginal cost (MC). Marginal cost represents the additional cost incurred from producing one more unit of output. If the marginal cost is decreasing, it suggests that firms can produce additional units of output at a lower per-unit cost, which is generally favorable for profitability.

So, why might competitive firms not want to produce more even when marginal product is increasing and marginal cost is decreasing? One possible explanation is if the market price of the good is low or if the additional revenue generated from selling more units is not sufficient to cover the additional costs incurred. In this case, firms might decide not to produce beyond a certain level of output, as it would lead to diminishing returns and reduced profitability.

In summary, the decision of competitive firms to produce more goods depends on the relationship between marginal product, marginal cost, and the market price. If the additional costs outweigh the potential revenue gains, firms may choose not to produce beyond a certain level, even when marginal product is increasing and marginal cost is decreasing.