Solve then graph a+3 ¡Ü -17.

Sorry, I think i forgot to include the less or greater sign in the first post. Thank you very much.

Which is it, > or < ?

If a +3 > -17 ,
a > -20

You get that by subtracting 3 from each side. You can do the same thing if your symbol is < .

The direction of the > or < sign does not change when you add or subtract the same number from both sides.

To solve the inequality a + 3 ≤ -17 and graph the solution, follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 3 from both sides of the inequality:
a + 3 - 3 ≤ -17 - 3
a ≤ -20

Step 2: Graph the solution on a number line:
Start by drawing a number line. Mark a point at -20 (since a ≤ -20).

Step 3: Shade the graph:
Since the inequality is "less than or equal to," we need to shade all the values on the number line to the left of -20. You can either shade to the left of -20 or to the right, with an arrow pointing towards -20, indicating that it includes -20 as well.

Step 4: Label the graph:
Label the shaded region with an arrow pointing towards -20, and write "a ≤ -20" above or below the number line to represent the solution to the inequality.

That's it! You have solved and graphed the inequality a + 3 ≤ -17.