Simplify (7-3i)^2.

So would I do this:

(7-3i) (7-3i)

then distribute it .... OR

square everything 49+9i^2

? thanks

First option is correct.

It is of the form

(a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

thank you, okay I wasn't' sure

To simplify the expression (7-3i)^2, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Square the first term: (7)^2 = 49.
Step 2: Multiply the first term by the second term: 7 * (-3i) = -21i.
Step 3: Multiply the second term by the first term: (-3i) * 7 = -21i.
Step 4: Square the second term: (-3i)^2 = 9i^2.

Now, let's simplify the expression:

(7-3i)^2 = (49 - 21i - 21i + 9i^2)

In this step, when expanding the expression, you can combine like terms.

= (49 - 42i + 9i^2)

Now, simplify further:

We know that i^2 is equal to -1.

= (49 - 42i + 9(-1))

Multiply 9 by (-1):

= (49 - 42i - 9)

Combine like terms:

= (40 - 42i)

So, the simplified form of (7-3i)^2 is 40 - 42i.