the wrinkled surface of a tiny lake

Is it a metaphor or personification?

the last stains of sunset has melted away

Is it a metaphor or personification

It's a personification, because it gives the lake a human quality (being wrinkled).

The description "wrinkled surface" of a tiny lake can be classified as personification. Personification is the attribution of human characteristics or qualities to non-human entities or inanimate objects. In this case, the term "wrinkled" suggests a characteristic associated with human skin, giving the surface of the lake a human-like quality.

To determine whether the phrase "the wrinkled surface of a tiny lake" is a metaphor or personification, let's first understand what each term means.

Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unrelated things, suggesting that they are similar in some way without using "like" or "as." It helps create vivid imagery and can be used to convey abstract ideas.

Personification: Personification is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to non-human entities or objects. It involves giving human qualities, emotions, or actions to something that is not human.

Now, let's analyze the phrase "the wrinkled surface of a tiny lake." It does not directly compare one thing to another, nor does it attribute human characteristics to anything. Instead, it describes the physical appearance of the surface of a lake using the adjective "wrinkled." Since it does not fit the definition of either a metaphor or personification, the phrase can be taken literally as describing the actual appearance of the lake's surface.

In conclusion, the phrase "the wrinkled surface of a tiny lake" is not a metaphor or personification, but rather a literal description of a lake's surface.