Differences between Lithosphere and Asthenosphere. Im contrasting the two layers.

-contains crust and upper part of mantle
-doesn't flow
-divided into tectonic plates
-consists of heavier oceanic basalt
-consists of lighter continental rock
-has two parts--Oceanic lithosphere, made up of the oceanic crust. Continental lithosphere, made up of the continental crust.

-lower part of the upper mantle
-behaves like plastic
-flows more easily than rest of the mantle
-behaves like viscous fluid/soft plastic
-solid mantle
-deeper and hotter
-rocks are under high pressure and are solid, but can slowly flow plastically

-Both interior of Earth
-Made of hot molten rock

Anything else I could add above? I have many points for the differences, not much for the similarites between the two layers.

While you have covered some key differences between the lithosphere and asthenosphere, here are a few additional points to consider for their similarities:

1. Composition: Both the lithosphere and asthenosphere are primarily composed of solid rocks. However, the asthenosphere has a softer, more deformable nature than the rigid lithosphere.

2. Temperature and Pressure: Both layers are situated in the Earth's interior and are subject to high temperatures and pressure. However, the asthenosphere is deeper and hotter than the lithosphere.

3. Interaction: The lithosphere and asthenosphere interact with each other as a dynamic system. The movement and flow of the asthenosphere beneath the lithosphere play a significant role in driving tectonic plate motions.

4. Convection: Both layers contribute to the convective currents within the Earth's mantle. As the asthenosphere flows, it transfers heat to the lithosphere, causing the movement of tectonic plates.

5. Influence on Plate Tectonics: The lithosphere and asthenosphere jointly comprise the tectonic plates. While the lithosphere forms the rigid outer shell divided into distinct plates, the underlying asthenosphere facilitates plate movement by acting as a semi-fluid layer.

Considering these additional points will enhance your understanding of the similarities between the lithosphere and asthenosphere.