Suppose in a breeding experiment, you combined 7,000 AA individuals and 3,000 aa individuals, and they mated randomly. After the first generation, what would be the value of p2 (p squared) ? of q2 (q squared)? of 2 pq? what would be the value after the second generation if the Hardy-Weinberg Law applies?

To determine the value of p2 (p squared), q2 (q squared), and 2pq after the first generation, where p represents the frequency of the dominant allele (A) and q represents the frequency of the recessive allele (a), we can start by calculating the allele frequencies.

1. Calculate the total number of alleles:
Total alleles = (2 x number of individuals)
Total alleles = (2 x 7,000 AA individuals) + (2 x 3,000 aa individuals)
Total alleles = 14,000 + 6,000
Total alleles = 20,000

2. Calculate the frequency of the dominant allele (p):
p = (number of dominant alleles) / (total alleles)
p = (2 x number of AA individuals) / (total alleles)
p = (2 x 7,000) / 20,000
p = 14,000 / 20,000
p = 0.7

3. Calculate the frequency of the recessive allele (q):
q = 1 - p
q = 1 - 0.7
q = 0.3

4. Calculate p2:
p2 = p * p
p2 = 0.7 * 0.7
p2 = 0.49

5. Calculate q2:
q2 = q * q
q2 = 0.3 * 0.3
q2 = 0.09

6. Calculate 2pq:
2pq = 2 * p * q
2pq = 2 * 0.7 * 0.3
2pq = 0.42

After the first generation, the value of p2 is 0.49, q2 is 0.09, and 2pq is 0.42.

If the Hardy-Weinberg Law applies, the allele frequencies will remain the same throughout subsequent generations as long as certain conditions are met (such as random mating, large population size, no mutation, no migration, and no natural selection). Therefore, in the second generation and onwards, the allele frequencies (p and q) will remain the same as calculated in the first generation.