Explain if this is a true statement


A.Is this statement true or false?
B.Prove your answer.

Is 58 less than 48?

Is 48 less than 35?


Thank You Ms.Sue

Hmm! I'd rather have 58 dollars than 48 dollars. 58 is MORE than 48.

A. This statement is false.

To prove this, we can break down each comparison separately:

First comparison: 56 < 48
To determine if this is true or false, we compare the two values. Since 56 is greater than 48, this comparison is false.

Now, the statement becomes: false < 35

The less than operator (<) is not defined between a boolean value (in this case, false) and a number (35). So the second comparison is not valid.

Therefore, since one of the comparisons in the statement is false and the other one is invalid, the overall statement is considered false.