The verbs to do , to have , and to be are verbs that can be used a main verb. an auxiliary verb. either a main verb or an 4.auxiliary verb.


Let us know what you think.

they sort of help but there to long for me to read right now

To me, this is another badly written one. I believe 3 and 4 are correct.

The verbs to do, to have, and to be can be used as either a main verb or an auxiliary verb. Let me explain how each verb can be used:

1. To Do:
- As a main verb: It is used to express an action or to carry out an activity. For example, "I do my homework every day."
- As an auxiliary verb: It is used in questions, negatives, and emphatic statements. For example, "Do you want to go to the park?" or "I don't know."

2. To Have:
- As a main verb: It is used to indicate possession or ownership. For example, "She has a car."
- As an auxiliary verb: It is used to form the present perfect tense and the past perfect tense. For example, "I have seen that movie before."

3. To Be:
- As a main verb: It is used to describe a state of being or to link a subject to its complement. For example, "She is happy" or "He is a doctor."
- As an auxiliary verb: It is used to form continuous tenses, passive voice, and other verb constructions. For example, "They are playing basketball" or "The book was written by an unknown author."

So, to summarize, these verbs can function as main verbs or auxiliary verbs depending on their usage in a sentence.