List,explain and provide an example of 3 natural interactions that exist between species.

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Three natural interactions that exist between species are competition, predation, and mutualism.

1. Competition: Competition occurs when two or more species rely on the same limited resources such as food, water, or shelter. In this interaction, both species may be negatively affected as they attempt to outcompete each other. For example, in a forest ecosystem, multiple bird species may compete for the same nesting sites or food sources like insects.

2. Predation: Predation is the interaction where one species (predator) hunts and consumes another species (prey) for food. This interaction impacts the population dynamics of both species involved. A classic example is the relationship between a lion (predator) and a zebra (prey) on the African savannah. The lion hunts and feeds on the zebra, leading to a constant cycle of predation and population control.

3. Mutualism: Mutualism is an interaction in which two species benefit from each other. Both species provide a service or resource that is essential for their survival. One example of mutualism is the relationship between bees and flowers. Bees collect nectar from flowers for food while inadvertently transferring pollen, which allows the flowers to reproduce. In return, the flowers provide the bees with nourishment.

To understand these interactions, researchers often conduct field and laboratory studies. Field observations help scientists observe and record natural interactions occurring in ecosystems. In addition, experiments can be conducted in controlled conditions to manipulate and observe the effects of one species on another, shedding light on the dynamics of these natural interactions.