1. By showing babies plain, black-and-white images will help them learn to recognize shapes and focus their vision.

2. Babies can see their parents’ faces but will not respond with a smile until they are a few weeks old.

3. Babies may gaze intently into a small, unbreakable mirror attached to the inside of their cribs.

4. While following an object with her eyes is when eye coordination develops.

5. Because of a newborn’s limited ability to see color forces him to focus only on bright colors.

6. The reasons babies occasionally cross their eyes is because they are perfecting their tracking skills.

7. Whether a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, a typical baby does not need complete silence in order to rest well.

8. The fact that newborns can vary dramatically in their sensitivity to sounds and ability to sleep in noisy environments.

9. The reason that a two-month-old baby turns her head toward her parents’ voice is because she is beginning to recognize familiar sounds.

10. Through changing his facial expression indicates he may find a particular sound soothing or comforting.

What is your question?

Where are your answers?

You haven't asked a question or attempted to indicate if these are to be corrected or what.

I'll make comments about each one, and you can decide what you need to do.


1. By showing babies plain, black-and-white images will help them learn to recognize shapes and focus their vision.
There is no subject here.

2. Babies can see their parents’ faces but will not respond with a smile until they are a few weeks old.
There are both present and future tenses here. Are you supposed to make the verbs all one or the other?

3. Babies may gaze intently into a small, unbreakable mirror attached to the inside of their cribs.

4. While following an object with her eyes is when eye coordination develops.
Again, there is no subject here.

5. Because of a newborn’s limited ability to see color forces him to focus only on bright colors.
No subject.

6. The reasons babies occasionally cross their eyes is because they are perfecting their tracking skills.
To have "reasons" implies that more than one reason will be stated in the sentence. Also the word "because" needs to be replaced with the word "that."

7. Whether a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, a typical baby does not need complete silence in order to rest well.

8. The fact that newborns can vary dramatically in their sensitivity to sounds and ability to sleep in noisy environments.
This is an incomplete sentence: no verb for the subject.

9. The reason that a two-month-old baby turns her head toward her parents’ voice is because she is beginning to recognize familiar sounds.
See #6 about "reason" and "because."

10. Through changing his facial expression indicates he may find a particular sound soothing or comforting.
This is a subordinate clause, not a complete sentence.

1. Babies' vision is not fully developed at birth, and they have difficulty distinguishing colors and shapes. To help them learn to recognize shapes and focus their vision, it is beneficial to show them plain, black-and-white images. These high-contrast images attract their attention and stimulate their visual development.

2. Babies are able to see their parent's faces shortly after birth, but their ability to respond with a smile takes a few weeks to develop. This is because smiling is a social behavior that requires coordination between their facial muscles and their brain.

3. Babies are often fascinated by their own reflection and may gaze intently into a small, unbreakable mirror attached to the inside of their cribs. This helps them explore their own facial expressions and develop self-awareness.

4. The ability to follow an object with their eyes is a milestone in a baby's visual development. It indicates the development of eye coordination, which allows them to track objects as they move.

5. Newborns have limited color vision and are more sensitive to bright colors. This is because the cones in their eyes, which are responsible for color vision, are not fully developed at birth. As a result, babies are more attracted to bright and contrasting colors.

6. Babies occasionally cross their eyes as part of their normal development. This is because they are working on perfecting their tracking skills. By crossing their eyes, they are practicing converging their gaze and learning to focus on objects.

7. Babies can have different sleep preferences, but they generally do not need complete silence to rest well. Babies are often used to some level of background noise from their time in the womb. As long as the noise is not too loud or disruptive, it can actually help them fall asleep and stay asleep.

8. Newborns can vary in their sensitivity to sounds and their ability to sleep in noisy environments. Some babies may be more sensitive to noise and easily disturbed, while others may be able to sleep through louder sounds. It is important to consider the individual preferences of each baby when creating a sleep environment.

9. A two-month-old baby turning her head toward her parents' voice is a sign of their growing ability to recognize familiar sounds. Babies start to develop auditory processing skills early on, and they can recognize their parents' voices among other sounds.

10. Babies often show their preferences and emotions through their facial expressions. If a particular sound soothes or comforts a baby, they may change their facial expression in response. This can be a way for babies to communicate their feelings or show their enjoyment of certain sounds.