what is the main structural feature of the azo dyes that causes them to be colored compounds.

The main structural feature of azo dyes that causes them to be colored compounds is the presence of the azo group (–N=N–). The azo group consists of two nitrogen atoms that are connected by a double bond (=N). This double bond contains a significant amount of conjugated pi electrons, which are responsible for the absorption of light in the visible range.

To determine this structural feature, you can first research the definition and properties of azo dyes. Understand that azo dyes are a class of synthetic dyes that are characterized by the presence of the azo group. Look for information on the chemical structure of azo dyes, specifically focusing on the azo bond (–N=N–). By studying the molecular structure diagrams or formulas of different azo dyes, you will be able to identify the main structural feature responsible for their coloration.