What are the rules and strategies when solving multi step equation????

That depends upon the equation. Do you have an example?

not really (In General what can you Say???)

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Now YOU need to provide a specific example, as DrWLS asked for above.

To solve multi-step equations, follow these rules and strategies:

1. Remove parentheses (distribute): If the equation has parentheses, use the distributive property to eliminate them. Multiply the value outside the parentheses by each term inside.

2. Combine like terms: Combine any like terms on both sides of the equation. Like terms have the same variable and exponent. Add or subtract them to simplify the equation.

3. Isolate the variable term: Move all terms without the variable to one side of the equation using addition or subtraction. This will leave only the variable term on the other side.

4. Undo addition or subtraction: If there are constants added or subtracted to the variable, undo these operations by performing the opposite operation (i.e., subtracting or adding).

5. Undo multiplication or division: If there are constants multiplied or divided by the variable, undo these operations by performing the opposite operation (i.e., dividing or multiplying).

6. Continue simplifying: Repeat steps 2-5 until the variable is isolated on one side of the equation and the other side has only a single constant.

7. Check your answer: Substitute the obtained value of the variable back into the original equation to ensure it satisfies the equation. If it does, then the solution is correct.

Remember, the goal is to isolate the variable term on one side of the equation and simplify the other side until you find the value of the variable.