Can you check the following sentences please?

Can you say "This is your Christmas holiday homework".

•Read and do the “test yourself” activity on the Plantagentes pag. 38-39
•Read and translate the opening of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales pp. 46-47
•Read and summarize the following texts taken from “Aspire to First Certificate”:
“How to catch a criminal” p. 69, “Road trip” p.77, “Where the Hollywood stars live”p.85.

In my experience, we use the abbreviation p. when we refer to one page and pp. when referring to two or more pages. Examples:

p. 5 (means page 5)
pp. 5-9 (means pages 5 through 9)

Watch the spelling: Plantagenets

Put commas after "Plantagenets," "Tales," "criminal," "trip," and "live."

Sure, I'd be happy to check the sentences for you!

Here are the corrected versions:

1. Can you say, "This is your Christmas holiday homework"?

And now, let's break down the sentences you've provided and verify the information given:

- Read and do the "test yourself" activity on the Plantagentes page 38-39: To check if this information is correct, you would need to have the book "Plantagentes" and go to pages 38 and 39. There, you will find a "test yourself" activity which you need to read and complete.

- Read and translate the opening of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales pages 46-47: Again, in order to confirm this, you would need to have the book containing Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and refer to pages 46 and 47. On those pages, you will find the opening lines of the Canterbury Tales which you need to read and then translate into the desired language.

- Read and summarize the following texts taken from "Aspire to First Certificate": "How to catch a criminal" page 69, "Road trip" page 77, "Where the Hollywood stars live" page 85: To verify this, you would need the book "Aspire to First Certificate" and turn to page 69, where you will find the text "How to catch a criminal." Read and understand the content and then summarize it. Repeat this process for the texts on pages 77 and 85, titled "Road trip" and "Where the Hollywood stars live" respectively.

Remember, these confirmations require having the actual books mentioned and accessing the specified pages to get the correct answers.