Who was the first person to figure out the map? Who was the first American to figure out the map?

What map?

Maps have been in existence since prehistoric times.

um...I'm not entirely sure I think the old world map, but that's all I know

This article may have your information.


The concept of maps predates recorded history, so it is difficult to determine who exactly was the first person to figure out a map. However, ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks were known to have created maps as early as 2300 BCE.

As for the first American to figure out the map, it is important to note that Native Americans had their own mapping techniques long before European explorers arrived. They used various methods such as pictographs, oral storytelling, and natural landmarks to navigate and understand their surroundings.

If you are specifically referring to the first European or Euro-American to create a map of America, it is often credited to Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. In the late 15th century, Vespucci created some of the earliest maps that depicted the newly discovered lands of the Americas. These maps played a significant role in shaping the European understanding of the Americas.

To gain more specific information about the first person or American to figure out the map, you can delve into historical books, research articles, or explore reputable online sources. These sources often provide in-depth information and evidence that can shed light on specific individuals and their contributions to map-making.