The price of a jacket is $48. If the sales tax rate is 5.5%, what is the amount of tax? What is the total cost of the jacket?

tax is $2.64

To find the amount of tax, you can multiply the price of the jacket by the sales tax rate. In this case, the price of the jacket is $48 and the sales tax rate is 5.5%.

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate from a percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

5.5% ÷ 100 = 0.055

Step 2: Multiply the price of the jacket by the sales tax rate in decimal form to find the amount of tax.

$48 × 0.055 = $2.64

Therefore, the amount of tax on the jacket is $2.64.

To find the total cost of the jacket, you need to add the price of the jacket and the amount of tax.

Step 3: Add the price of the jacket and the amount of tax.

$48 + $2.64 = $50.64

Therefore, the total cost of the jacket, including tax, is $50.64.

<<what is the amount of tax? >>

5.5% of $48

<<What is the total cost of the jacket>>
Add the tax to the price

If the sales tax is 6.5%, how much tax will you pay on a jacket that costs $48?