which has more inertia, a mouse or elephant?

i will participate on class

To determine which has more inertia between a mouse and an elephant, we need to consider their masses. In physics, inertia is a property of matter that describes its resistance to changes in motion. It is directly related to an object's mass.

The formula for inertia is given by Newton's second law of motion:

Inertia = mass × acceleration

In this case, we are comparing the inertia of a mouse and an elephant. Let's assume that the mass of the mouse is m1 and the mass of the elephant is m2.

Since inertia depends on mass, we can conclude that the object with a greater mass will have more inertia. Based on this reasoning, we can infer that the elephant will have more inertia than a mouse.

So, to answer your question, the elephant will have more inertia compared to the mouse due to its larger mass.

This entirely depends on your definition of inertial. If by inertia you mean mass, the answer is obvious.

Most in science mean mass when inertia is used, but sometimes the meaning is different.

the definition of inertia is totally mass related. doesnt depend, its the answer.
