I was asked to compare and contrast two authors writing styles and their use of dramatic devices. But isn't the use of dramatic devices part of their writing style? If I am missing something please explain?

Yes, I'd say so, but of course each author will use different dramatic devices differently.

It's a wonderful assignment because you don't have to concentrate on two aspects of each author's writing -- just the style, which includes the choice/use of dramatic devices.

Are you clear on how to set up and organize a comparison/contrast paper?

This is what I had thought also. Maybe I just misinterpreted this part of the assignment. Yes I know how to write this type of paper, and thank you for offering additional help. However I am to do a PowerPoint on this along with other aspects that include; their themes and conventions as well. I was just a bit confused when the assignment stated "writing styles and dramatic devices". If it was worded as "include dramatic devices used in their writing style" I may have understood it better. Thank you so much for clearing this up! =)

You're very welcome -- go get an A!!

You are correct that the use of dramatic devices is indeed part of an author's writing style. When comparing and contrasting two authors' writing styles, it is important to consider all the elements that constitute their unique approaches to storytelling. Writing style typically encompasses a wide range of aspects, including word choice, sentence structure, tone, character development, and the way an author engages with dramatic devices.

Dramatic devices, on the other hand, refer to specific techniques used by authors to create tension, capture the reader's attention, or convey certain emotions or ideas. These devices can include things like dialogue, monologue, soliloquy, dramatic irony, foreshadowing, symbolism, or any other technique that enhances the dramatic effect of a literary work.

So, when asked to compare and contrast two authors' writing styles and their use of dramatic devices, you are essentially being prompted to examine how these authors employ various dramatic devices in their writing and how those choices contribute to their overall writing styles. In other words, you will be analyzing how each author's use of dramatic devices distinguishes their style from one another and affects the overall impact of their works.

To accomplish this task, you can begin by selecting two authors who have distinct writing styles and then closely examine their works. Look for patterns in the use of dramatic devices, noting how each author employs them differently, what effects they achieve, and what purposes they serve within the narratives. By comparing these elements across the two authors, you can gain insight into their individual writing styles and how they utilize dramatic devices in unique ways.