Can you please check these questions, too? Thank you.

1) Answer four of the following six questions. For each question write ten lines only.
2)Do not exceed the space provided. One of your four answer will be evaluated as an oral test.

1 - OK

2 - "One of your four answers ... "

1) It seems like you have a set of instructions or guidelines for answering questions. You are asked to choose four questions out of six and provide a response for each question within the space provided, limiting your response to ten lines. This indicates that brevity and conciseness are important in your answers.

To answer these questions, you should follow these steps:
1. Read all six questions carefully and understand what is being asked.
2. Select four questions that you feel most confident in answering or that you find most interesting.
3. Start answering each question, making sure to write no more than ten lines for each response.
4. Think about the key points or main ideas you want to convey in your answer.
5. Write your response using clear and concise language, keeping your sentences and paragraphs short.
6. Check your word count or line limit to ensure you do not exceed the given space.
7. Review and revise your answers, making sure they are coherent and address the question effectively.
8. Once you have completed your responses for all four questions, proofread for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
9. If required, prepare one of your answers to be evaluated as an oral test. Practice speaking it aloud, making sure to be articulate and concise.
10. Finally, submit or present your answers as per the instructions provided.

Remember to stay focused, follow the instructions precisely, and provide meaningful and concise answers to showcase your understanding and knowledge in the space provided.