1. Marianne exhibited her model spacecraft at the science fair.


I think it's adverb?

What do you think is an adverb?

the part of speech of the sentence

Sentences are not a part of speech. Only words are parts of speech.


okay I reworded it wrong, the function of the sentence

The function of this sentence is to make a statement. It's a declarative sentence.


To determine the correct answer, we need to identify the function of the word "exhibited" in the sentence.

In this sentence, "exhibited" is used to describe how Marianne showcased her model spacecraft. It tells us the manner in which she showcased it.

Based on this information, we can conclude that "exhibited" is functioning as a verb, not an adverb. It is the action that Marianne performed.

Therefore, the correct answer is not an adverb, but an incorrect choice among the options provided.