write a function to describe each statment buying apples for $.89 a lb

i got y=.89x

Looks correct to me.


are you thre

To write a function that describes the statement "buying apples for $0.89 a pound," you can create a function in any programming language that takes the weight of the apples as input and calculates the total cost based on the price per pound.

Here's an example in Python:

def calculate_apple_cost(weight):
price_per_pound = 0.89
total_cost = weight * price_per_pound
return total_cost

In this function, `calculate_apple_cost` takes the `weight` of the apples as an argument and calculates the total cost by multiplying the `weight` with the `price_per_pound`. The function then returns the `total_cost`.

You can use this function by calling it and passing the weight of the apples you want to buy as an argument. For example:

apples_weight = 2.5 # weight of apples in pounds
total_cost = calculate_apple_cost(apples_weight)
print(f"The total cost of buying {apples_weight} pounds of apples is ${total_cost:.2f}")

The output will be:

The total cost of buying 2.5 pounds of apples is $2.23

This function can be easily modified to suit different programming languages or incorporate additional logic as needed.