how many 8 ounce servings can be created from a six pack of 12 ounce fruit drinks

6 * 12 = 72

72 / 8 = ?


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72 divided by 8 = ?

Right. You'll have 9 servings.

To determine how many 8 ounce servings can be created from a six-pack of 12 ounce fruit drinks, we need to use some basic division.

1. Start by calculating the total number of ounces in the six-pack. Since each pack contains 12 ounces and there are 6 packs, the total number of ounces is 12 * 6 = 72 ounces.

2. Next, divide the total number of ounces by the serving size (8 ounces) to determine how many servings can be created. Divide 72 by 8: 72 / 8 = 9.

So, from a six-pack of 12 ounce fruit drinks, you can create 9 servings of 8 ounces each.