
u dot v = -1
u dot w = 1
v dot w = -4

a. ||-4w||
b. (u+w) dot v
c. ||u+v||^2
d. ||v-4w||^2

a. k||X|| = ||kX|| assuming k is a scalar.

b. Distributivity of multiplication over addition,
(A+B).C = A.C + B.C

c. Let R=U+V (vectorial addition)
then vectors U, V and R form a triangle.
The magnitude of R can be found by the cosine rule:
R²=||U||²+||V||²-||U|| ||V||cos(θ)
But ||U||cos(θ)=U.V/||V||

d. See (c), substituting -4W for V.