simplify (5x-4)^2

I got 25x^2 -16

is that right?

If you worked according to the FOIL rule, you would expect 4 terms, which simplify to 3 in this case.

A standard identity for the square of a binomial is as follows:

(5x)²= 25x²

So altogether:

okay thanks :)

how to solve .25x + 2 = 12


-2 -2
.25 .25


To simplify the expression (5x-4)^2, you need to expand the squared term using either the FOIL method or the binomial square formula.

Using FOIL method, you multiply the first terms, then the outer terms, the inner terms, and finally the last terms:

(5x-4)^2 = (5x)(5x) + (5x)(-4) + (-4)(5x) + (-4)(-4)

Simplifying, we have:
= 25x^2 - 20x - 20x + 16
= 25x^2 - 40x + 16

So, the correct simplification is 25x^2 - 40x + 16.