how did the european settlers use the land and other mined resources?

Where did these Europeans settle? South Africa, Canada, Australia, U.S.?

Please clarify and repost.

European settlers made extensive use of the land and other mined resources upon their arrival in various regions across the world. Here's how they utilized these resources:

1. Agriculture: One of the primary ways European settlers utilized the land was for agriculture. They cleared forests and established farms to cultivate crops such as wheat, corn, tobacco, and various vegetables. The fertile land provided them with a source of food and raw materials for trade.

2. Livestock farming: Europeans introduced domesticated animals, such as cattle, sheep, and pigs, to graze on the land. These animals provided meat, dairy products, and wool.

3. Timber and Logging: European settlers heavily exploited forests for timber and other resources. They used wood for various purposes, including constructing buildings, ships, and fences. Timber was also used as fuel and for producing furniture, tools, and other goods.

4. Mining and Minerals: European settlers searched for and extracted valuable minerals from the land. In different regions, they engaged in mining activities, including prospecting for gold, silver, copper, and other metals. These minerals were used for trade, as currency, or in the manufacturing industry.

5. Fur trade: In several areas, especially in North America, European settlers engaged in the fur trade. They trapped and hunted animals, such as beavers, for their pelts, which were highly valued in the European fashion industry.

6. Stone and Quarries: Settlers utilized stone and quarries as construction materials for buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.

It is important to note that the ways in which European settlers used the land and resources varied depending on the specific region and time period. Local indigenous populations often had their own established methods of utilizing these resources, which were often disrupted or displaced by European settlement.