What were the elements of the tang-Song economic prosperity?

i looked in my book but I cannot find enough information. Please and Thank you.



Read widely and take good notes.

To understand the elements of the Tang-Song economic prosperity, we need to explore various sources beyond just your book. Here are a few steps you can take to find more information:

1. Utilize online resources: Start by conducting a web search using keywords such as "Tang-Song economic prosperity" or "economic development in Tang-Song dynasty." This will help you find reliable online articles, academic papers, or even books specifically dedicated to this topic.

2. Visit the library: Head to your local library and check out relevant books on Chinese history, specifically focusing on the Tang and Song dynasties. Look for books that discuss economic developments, trade, agriculture, technological advancements, and urbanization during this period.

3. Consult academic journals: Scholarly publications often provide in-depth analysis of historical topics. Utilize academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar and search for articles related to the Tang-Song economic boom.

4. Look for primary sources: Primary sources, such as official documents, journals, or personal accounts from the Tang and Song dynasties, can offer valuable insights. Examine historical records, letters, or memoirs to gain a first-hand perspective on economic conditions during that time.

5. Seek out specialized books: Look for books that specifically focus on the economic history of China during the Tang and Song dynasties. Such resources may provide comprehensive coverage and analysis of the factors that contributed to economic prosperity.

Remember, it is important to cross-reference the information you find from different sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.