1) sketch out the contours of US history between 1789 and 1865

2) characterize US economic development during this period (economic philosophy, development models, technological innovations, and the real economy)
3) elaborate the outlines of sectional politics between 1846 and 1861 leading to the US Civil war
4) explain the significance of the North winning the Civil War.

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1) To sketch out the contours of US history between 1789 and 1865, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify major events and turning points during this time period, such as the establishment of the federal government in 1789, the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the War of 1812, the Missouri Compromise in 1820, the Mexican-American War in 1846-1848, and the Civil War from 1861-1865.

Step 2: Understand the political developments during this period, including the Founding Fathers and the ratification of the Constitution in the late 18th century, the rise of political parties (Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans), the expansion of democracy through the expansion of suffrage, and the contentious debates over slavery.

Step 3: Take note of key social changes, such as the growth of industrialization, the expansion of westward settlement, the increasing urbanization of American society, the temperance and abolition movements, and the women's rights movement.

Combining these elements will help you sketch out the contours of US history between 1789 and 1865.

2) To characterize US economic development during this period, you should consider various aspects:

Economic Philosophy: At the beginning of this period, the dominant economic philosophy was mercantilism, which emphasized government intervention and the accumulation of wealth through colonial trade. However, as the United States gained independence and expanded, it shifted towards economic liberalism, supporting free trade and limited government intervention.

Development Models: The United States was primarily agrarian in the early years, with an agricultural export-based economy. However, the Industrial Revolution in the early 19th century brought about changes, leading to industrialization and the growth of urban centers.

Technological Innovations: Throughout this period, notable technological innovations emerged. These included the cotton gin (1793), steamboats (1807), the telegraph (1844), the railroad (1820s-1830s), and the mechanical reaper (1831). These innovations significantly impacted transportation, communication, and agricultural productivity.

Real Economy: The US economy experienced periods of growth and recession. The market revolution facilitated new channels of commerce, infrastructure development, and transportation networks, leading to increased commercial activities and economic expansion. The economy also saw an increase in labor specialization, the rise of the factory system, and the growth of regional economic disparities.

3) To elaborate on the outlines of sectional politics between 1846 and 1861 leading to the US Civil War, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the concept of sectionalism, which refers to the differences and conflicts between different regions of the United States, primarily the North, South, and West.

Step 2: Analyze the debates and conflicts surrounding the expansion of slavery, such as the Mexican-American War and the acquisition of new territories. The issue of whether these territories would allow slavery or not heightened sectional tensions.

Step 3: Examine the impacts of the Compromises of 1850, including the Fugitive Slave Act and the admission of California as a free state - these compromises worked to temporarily ease tensions but also continued to fuel sectional rivalries.

Step 4: Highlight the emergence of anti-slavery sentiment in the North and the growth of the abolitionist movement, which led to increased clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces.

Step 5: Consider the political landscape and the creation of various political parties, such as the Democrats, Whigs, and eventually the Republican Party, which emerged as an anti-slavery party in the 1850s.

4) To explain the significance of the North winning the Civil War, consider the following points:

1. Preservation of the Union: The victory of the North ensured the preservation of the United States as a single nation. If the Confederacy had won, it would have potentially led to the disintegration of the US and set a precedent for secession.

2. Abolition of Slavery: The North's victory was a crucial step towards the eventual abolition of slavery. Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 declared slaves in Confederate states to be free, and the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1865, officially abolished slavery.

3. Strengthening the Federal Government: The outcome of the Civil War significantly strengthened the power and authority of the federal government over the states. It established that secession was not a viable option to challenge federal authority, ensuring a more unified and centralized nation.

4. Economic and Industrial Advancement: The victory of the North fostered economic and industrial growth. The North had a more industrialized economy, and its victory allowed for the continuous expansion of railways, factories, and other industries, laying the foundation for the "Gilded Age" and the US becoming a major global economic power.

5. Social Change: The Civil War brought about significant societal changes, including an increase in individual rights and civil liberties. The abolition of slavery and the eventual granting of voting rights for African Americans were major milestones in the fight for equality and social justice.

Understanding these aspects will give you insights into the significance of the North winning the Civil War.