Last 4 questions for a while---

46. Quiero pasear en bote ______.
a. en el lago
b. en la selva tropical
c. en las montañas en el invierno
d. en las cataratas

47. Voy al mar ___
a. para la selva
b. en las cataratas
c. para bucear
d. hace fresco

48. _____ nadar en el mar contigo
a. Quisiera
b. Te gusta
c. Te gustaría
d. Me encantan
A? Or C? Not sure...

49. Voy de vacaciones mañana y _______ en una semana.
a. fuiste
b. fui
c. salgo
d. regreso


46. A

47. C
48. A
49. D

you were right on them

48 could not be C bcause you wouldn't ask: Would you want to go swimming in the ocean with you?


Let's go through the questions and how to determine the correct answers:

46. Quiero pasear en bote ______.
a. en el lago
b. en la selva tropical
c. en las montañas en el invierno
d. en las cataratas

To find the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the sentence. The phrase "Quiero pasear en bote" translates to "I want to go boating." Now, you need to choose the option that makes sense after the phrase. From the given options, "a. en el lago" is the most appropriate answer, as it translates to "on the lake."

So, the correct answer is A.

47. Voy al mar ___
a. para la selva
b. en las cataratas
c. para bucear
d. hace fresco

Again, you need to understand the context of the sentence to find the correct answer. "Voy al mar" translates to "I am going to the sea." Now, you need to choose the option that makes sense after the phrase. From the given options, "c. para bucear" is the most appropriate answer, as it translates to "to go diving."

So, the correct answer is C.

48. _____ nadar en el mar contigo
a. Quisiera
b. Te gusta
c. Te gustaría
d. Me encantan

In this question, you need to choose the option that makes grammatical sense. The phrase "____ nadar en el mar contigo" translates to "____ swimming in the sea with you." Now, you need to choose the option that fits grammatically. From the given options, "a. Quisiera" is the most appropriate answer, as it translates to "I would like to."

So, the correct answer is A.

49. Voy de vacaciones mañana y _______ en una semana.
a. fuiste
b. fui
c. salgo
d. regreso

In this question, you need to choose the option that fits grammatically and logically. The phrase "Voy de vacaciones mañana" translates to "I am going on vacation tomorrow." Now, you need to choose the option that makes sense to complete the sentence. From the given options, "d. regreso" is the most appropriate answer, as it translates to "I return."

So, the correct answer is D.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.