which of the following are not examples of centripetal acceleration

To determine which of the following are not examples of centripetal acceleration, we would need to know the options you are referring to. Please provide the options you have in mind so that I can assist you further.

To determine which of the following are not examples of centripetal acceleration, we first need to understand what centripetal acceleration is.

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration experienced by an object moving in a circular path. It is always directed towards the center of the circle and is responsible for keeping the object constantly changing direction.

Now, let's examine the options given and determine which ones are not examples of centripetal acceleration:

1. A race car speeding around a circular track: This is an example of centripetal acceleration since the car is constantly changing direction and the acceleration is directed towards the center of the circular track.

2. A satellite orbiting the Earth: This is also an example of centripetal acceleration. The satellite is constantly changing direction and the acceleration is directed towards the center of the Earth.

3. A ball rolling down a straight hill: This is not an example of centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration requires circular motion, but in this case, the ball is moving in a straight line, not in a circular path.

4. A person swinging on a swing: This is an example of centripetal acceleration. The person on the swing is constantly changing direction as they swing back and forth, and the acceleration is directed towards the center of the swing.

Based on the analysis above, option 3, "A ball rolling down a straight hill," is not an example of centripetal acceleration.