what is a distibutive property equation equaling 36

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The distributive property is a mathematical property that helps simplify expressions. In algebra, it is commonly used to expand expressions and combine like terms.

To find a distributive property equation equaling 36, we need an expression where we can apply the distributive property.

Let's take the general form: a(b + c) = 36

Here, 'a' can be any number and 'b' and 'c' are two numbers or variables that we need to determine.

To solve for 'b' and 'c', we need to find values that satisfy the equation.

Let's take an example:

Assume a = 4

We have: 4(b + c) = 36

Now, let's try different values for 'b' and 'c' that make this equation true.

For example:

If b = 6 and c = 3, then 4(6 + 3) = 4(9) = 36

This shows that when 'a' is 4, 'b' is 6, and 'c' is 3, the distributive property equation is satisfied and equals 36.

Keep in mind that there are various combinations of 'b' and 'c' that will make the equation equal to 36. This is just one example.