if bill has 11 fiends for pizza each person gets 1/4 a pizza how many pizzas should he order

To calculate the number of pizzas Bill should order, we need to divide the total number of people by the fraction of pizza each person will receive.

In this case, Bill has 11 friends, so the total number of people is 11 + 1 (including Bill himself) = 12.

Each person will receive 1/4 of a pizza. To divide a fraction, we can multiply by the reciprocal, which means dividing by the numerator and multiplying by the denominator. So, 1/4 can be expressed as 1 ÷ 4 = 1/4 × 1/4 = 1/16.

Therefore, Bill should order 12 people ÷ 1/16 pizza per person = 12 × 16 = 192 pizzas.

Bill should order 192 pizzas to ensure that each person gets 1/4 of a pizza.

11 * (1/4) = 11/4 = 3 3/5

He needs 4 pizzas.