14. Voy a comprar tenis nuevos en ___________.

a. el joven
b. los zapatos
c. la zapateriá
d. el gimnasio
Not sure...

15. ¿De quién es ______ suéter?
a. este
b. esta
c. su
d. esos
Either A or B...


14. c

15. i think its a

Mike is correct on both counts!

(zapatos = shoes & zapatería = shoe shop)
(el suéter = masculine singular like este)


To find the answer to question 14, we need to determine where someone would typically buy new sneakers. The correct answer is c. la zapatería. Zapatería is the Spanish word for shoe store, making it the most appropriate option for buying new sneakers.

To find the answer to question 15, we need to identify the correct possessive adjective that agrees with the word "suéter" (sweater), which is a masculine noun. The correct answer is a. este, as it matches with the gender and number of the noun "suéter," whereas option b. esta is feminine and does not match.