dream is to wish as goal is to *******

receive is to request as find is to******



achieve. The relationship between the words in the first pair is that "dream" is a synonym for "wish," and "goal" is a synonym for "achieve." Therefore, to find the word that completes the second pair, we need to find a word that is a synonym for "receive" in the same way that "find" is a synonym for "achieve."

One way to find the synonym for "receive" is to use an online thesaurus. A thesaurus provides a list of synonyms and related words for a given term. You can visit a reputable thesaurus website or use a thesaurus feature available in some search engines.

Alternatively, you can brainstorm other words that have a similar meaning to "receive" and see which one fits the relationship in the second pair. Some possible words to consider could be "obtain," "acquire," or "attain." By examining the definitions and nuances of these words, you can determine which one best matches the relationship between "receive" and "request" in the given analogy.

In this case, "receive" and "request" have an antonymous relationship – one is the opposite of the other. Therefore, the word that completes the second pair is "request," as in the relationship between "receive" and "request" is the same as the relationship between "find" and "request."