Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Despite wanting to pass the exam, Julia just couldn't get down to revising. She seemed to have a mental ___ about it.
a. brick
b. gap
c. block
d. space

2. When the counsellor listened to George's problems, her non-judgemental attitude showed how ___ she was.
a. evaluating
b. critical
c. dismissive
d. supportive

3. Dr. Tang's appointment system ___ a set amount of time for each patient.
a. allocates
b. shares
c. decides
d. accepts

4. If you let other people's problems become your problem, you're soon likely to feel ___.
a. swamped
b. swept up
c. suffering
d. drowned

5. Paul gave up buying sweets and magazines for a month. By making these ___, he managed to save up enough to buy tickets for the concert.
a. denials
b. pressures
c. economies
d. budgets

My answers:
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. A???
5. A

Could you please check my answers? Thanks:)

I agree with 1, 3, and 4.

You need to re-think 2 and 5.
Look up all words you are not crystal clear on.

See you nice for respect card to you please now talk please

Your answers are mostly correct. Here are the correct answers for each question:

1. C. block
2. D. supportive
3. A. allocates
4. A. swamped
5. A. denials

Well done with your answers! You accurately chose the correct word to complete each sentence. Good job!