I really need HELP!!! can someone please give me a cite.

Document a chronology of events beginning with the union's call for a strike.

Are you asking about a specific strike?

Or -- are you asking about the procedures followed by a specific union?

Please clarify your question and we'll try to help you.

Pullman Palace car company.

Certainly! To document a chronology of events beginning with the union's call for a strike, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching reputable sources related to the strike you are referring to. These can include news articles, historical accounts, union reports, or academic papers. Make sure you find multiple sources to ensure a comprehensive chronology.

2. Identify the date and details of the union's call for a strike. This information should be mentioned in reliable sources reporting on the events leading up to the strike. Look for direct quotes, official statements, or first-hand accounts from union representatives or leaders.

3. Once you have the date of the union's call for a strike, search for subsequent events that occurred after that point. Some key events may include negotiations, picketing, rallies, demonstrations, meetings between the union and management, or any other noteworthy developments during the strike.

4. Take detailed notes on each event, including the dates, locations, and descriptions provided in your sources. This will help you create an accurate and well-documented chronology.

5. Organize the events in chronological order, starting from the union's call for a strike and progressing through all subsequent significant occurrences. Make sure to include relevant details and any significant outcomes or milestones that took place during the strike.

6. When citing your sources, use the appropriate citation style recommended for your academic or professional context, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago Style. Remember to provide all the necessary information, including the author(s), title, publication date, and source.

Remember, it's crucial to rely on reliable sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy when documenting a chronology of events.