Please check the meaning: "Like a cat in a corn crib, the girl pup sneaked in from behind and sank her needlesharp teeth in the 's back." Just the "like a cat in a corn crib" part. Thanks!

No, it means that it's easy to catch their prey. In that sentence Little Anne had a really easy time catching the . Because, rats and mice hang around corn cribs and eat the corn. They are ready made food supply and is easy for the cats to catch. Trust me, I'm doing this project right now. I did my research.

Please clarify your question. I see nothing wrong with your whole sentence, including the part you are asking about.

What does the simile "Like a cat in a corn crib" mean?

I've always lived in cities, but I think cats are kept in corn cribs (storage buildings) to keep the mice and rats away. If a cat catches one, it kills it.


You're welcome.

The phrase "like a cat in a corn crib" is a simile that is used to describe someone who is being very sneaky or behaving in a stealthy manner. It compares the behavior of the person to a cat in a corn crib.

To deconstruct the meaning and understand the phrase better:

1. Understand the Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the person's behavior is being compared to a cat in a corn crib.

2. Define "Corn Crib": A corn crib is a small structure or enclosure used to store corn or other crops. It typically has walls made of slats or wire mesh to allow air circulation while keeping pests out.

3. Observe a Cat in a Corn Crib: Cats are known for their agility, stealth, and hunting instincts. When a cat is in a corn crib, it can move quietly, using its sharp senses and skills to sneak up on its prey, usually mice or other small animals in the corn.

Putting all of this together, the phrase "like a cat in a corn crib" indicates that the girl pup in the sentence is behaving with similar stealth and agility, sneaking up on someone or something in a similar manner to how a cat would behave in a corn crib.

In summary, the phrase "like a cat in a corn crib" is using a simile to describe a person or animal that is behaving stealthily and quietly, similar to how a cat would behave in a corn crib while hunting.