a bicycle wheel must make 13 revolutions to roll 25 meters. How many revolutions must the wheel make to travel 1 km? Hint: 1000 m = 1 km

(1000/25) * 13 = ?

thank you

You're welcome.

40 times 13???????


To find out how many revolutions the bicycle wheel must make to travel 1 km, we can set up a proportion.

We know that the wheel makes 13 revolutions to roll 25 meters. Let's use this information to find out how many revolutions are needed to travel 1 km (1000 meters).

First, we set up a proportion:

13 revolutions / 25 meters = x revolutions / 1000 meters

To solve for x, the unknown number of revolutions, we can use cross-multiplication.

13 * 1000 = 25 * x

13000 = 25x

Now, we can isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 25:

13000 / 25 = x

520 = x

Therefore, the bicycle wheel must make 520 revolutions to travel 1 km.