A cold front traveling at an average speed of 35 km/h eastward is 280 km due west of you. Appoximately how long will it be before your location experiences a sudden temperature drop?


To calculate the approximate time before your location experiences a sudden temperature drop, we need to determine the time it takes for the cold front to travel the distance between its current location and your location.

1. Calculate the time taken for the cold front to travel the distance:
Distance = Speed x Time
Time = Distance / Speed

Speed of the cold front = 35 km/h
Distance between the cold front and your location = 280 km

Time = 280 km / 35 km/h
Time = 8 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 8 hours for the cold front to reach your location and for you to experience a sudden temperature drop. Keep in mind that this is an approximation based on constant speed and a straight path of the cold front. Weather conditions can vary, so the actual time may differ.

? = 8


280/35 = ?