the lengths of two sides of a triangle are 15in.each.the third side measures 10 in.what type of triangle is this

Triangles with two equal sides are called isosceles.

isosceles triangle

To determine the type of triangle, we can examine its side lengths.

A triangle with all sides of equal length is called an equilateral triangle. In this case, since two sides have lengths of 15 inches each and the third side measures 10 inches, the lengths are not equal.

A triangle with two sides of equal length is called an isosceles triangle. In this case, we have two sides that are both 15 inches each and one side that measures 10 inches. Therefore, this triangle is an isosceles triangle.

An isosceles triangle has two equal angles, where the angles opposite the equal sides are congruent. The remaining angle, which is opposite the unequal side, is called the different angle or the base angle.