Which one of the disciplines listed here includes essays and response statements as types of assignments?


Natural Sciences

Social Sciences

More than one of the disciplines listed here

What do you think?

More than one


To determine which discipline includes essays and response statements as types of assignments, we need to examine each discipline listed here.

1. Humanities: The discipline of humanities typically includes subjects such as literature, philosophy, history, art, and religion. These subjects often involve the analysis, interpretation, and critical examination of various texts, artworks, and historical events. As a result, assignments in humanities frequently involve writing essays and response statements to demonstrate understanding, analysis, and interpretation of the subject matter.

2. Natural Sciences: The natural sciences encompass subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, and geology. While these disciplines primarily focus on empirical research, experimentation, and data analysis, the types of assignments in the natural sciences generally involve laboratory reports, data analysis, research papers, and scientific presentations. Essays and response statements are not as prevalent in this discipline.

3. Social Sciences: The social sciences encompass subjects like sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, and economics. Assignments in social sciences usually involve conducting research, analyzing data, and writing research papers or reports based on social phenomena, human behavior, economics, or political developments. Similar to the natural sciences, essays and response statements are less common in this discipline.

Based on the descriptions above, the discipline that includes essays and response statements as types of assignments is the humanities. Therefore, the answer is "Humanities."