use properties of parallel lines to explain which angles in a parallelogram must be congruent???

To determine which angles in a parallelogram must be congruent, we can use the properties of parallel lines. Recall that in a parallelogram, opposite sides are parallel and congruent. Here's how we can apply this property to find the congruent angles:

Step 1: Identify the opposite sides of the parallelogram.
In a parallelogram, there are two pairs of opposite sides. Let's label them as AB and CD, and AD and BC.

Step 2: Observe the transversal lines.
A transversal line is a line that intersects two or more parallel lines. In a parallelogram, the transversal lines are AD and BC.

Step 3: Identify the corresponding angles.
By looking at the transversal lines, we can identify the corresponding angles. The corresponding angles are located on the same side of the transversal and in the same position (i.e., top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).

Step 4: Apply the property of corresponding angles.
According to the property of corresponding angles, if two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the corresponding angles are congruent.

Step 5: Analyze the parallelogram.
Since the opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, the transversal lines AD and BC intersect these opposite sides. By applying the property of corresponding angles, we can conclude that the angles formed from the intersection of these transversal lines are congruent. Therefore, the opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

In summary, in a parallelogram, the opposite angles (angles formed by the intersection of the transversal lines and the opposite sides) must be congruent due to the properties of parallel lines.