what happened when the crossword puzzle champion died

They buried him six feet down and eight feet across

your mother

When the crossword puzzle champion died, there could be several things that happened depending on the circumstances. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find out what might have happened:

1. Start by searching online news sources: Look for recent news articles about the crossword puzzle champion's death. Use search engines like Google News or visit reliable news websites to see if there have been any reports or obituaries about the champion's passing.

2. Check crossword puzzle enthusiast communities: Explore online forums or social media groups dedicated to crossword puzzles. The community might have shared the news of the champion's death or discussed their contributions and impact on the field.

3. Look for official statements or announcements: Check if any crossword puzzle organizations, competitions, or events have released official statements or announcements regarding the champion's death. These statements often provide details about the champion's achievements or any special tributes planned in their honor.

4. Reach out to crossword puzzle organizations: If you have trouble finding information online, consider contacting crossword puzzle organizations directly. They might be able to provide you with more details or point you in the right direction.

Remember, the specific details of what happened when the crossword puzzle champion died may vary depending on the circumstances, so it's important to explore various sources to get a comprehensive understanding.
