the circumference of a wheel is one yard. If the wheel is pushed half a mile, how many times will the wheel go around (1 mi = 5280 ft)


thank you guys :) a lot

To find out how many times the wheel will go around, we need to calculate the distance the wheel will travel and then divide it by the circumference of the wheel.

First, let's convert the distance pushed, which is half a mile, into feet, since the circumference of the wheel is given in yards:
1 mile = 5280 feet.
So, half a mile is equal to (1/2) * 5280 = 2640 feet.

Now, let's calculate how many times the wheel will go around by dividing the distance pushed by the circumference of the wheel:
Number of times the wheel will go around = distance pushed / circumference of the wheel.

Given that the circumference of the wheel is 1 yard, and since 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, the circumference of the wheel is 1 * 3 = 3 feet.

Now we can calculate:
Number of times the wheel will go around = 2640 feet / 3 feet.

By performing the division, we can determine the result: the wheel will go around 880 times.

So, the wheel will go around 880 times when it is pushed half a mile.