The noise from the ducks in the pond was soothing.

I have to Underline each independent clause and subordinate clause twice then tell if the sentence is simple, compound, complex, compound-complex

1.The noise from the ducks was soothing=indep clause
in the pond=subor clause
complex sentence

or would this just be simple sentence

This is a simple sentence. There is only one subject-verb construction here.

The noise was soothing = independent clause

from the ducks = prepositional phrase
in the pond = prepositional phrase
NOTE: There is no verb in there!!

In this case, the sentence "The noise from the ducks in the pond was soothing" can actually be considered a simple sentence.

The reason for this is that there is only one independent clause in the sentence: "The noise from the ducks was soothing." The phrase "in the pond" is not a subordinate clause because it does not have a subject and a verb. Instead, it functions as a prepositional phrase modifying "ducks."

To determine the structure of the sentence and identify the independent and subordinate clauses, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the independent clauses (ICs) - these are the main parts of the sentence that can stand alone as complete sentences.
- The noise from the ducks was soothing.

Step 2: Identify the subordinate clauses (SCs) - these are dependent on the independent clauses and cannot stand alone as complete sentences.
- In the pond.

Now let's determine the sentence type:

- Simple Sentence: A simple sentence consists of just one independent clause and no subordinate clauses. Since the given sentence has both an independent clause and a subordinate clause, it cannot be classified as a simple sentence.

- Compound Sentence: A compound sentence consists of at least two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, so, for, nor, yet).
- The given sentence does not have multiple independent clauses, so it cannot be classified as a compound sentence.

- Complex Sentence: A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.
- Since the given sentence has one independent clause ("The noise from the ducks was soothing") and one subordinate clause ("in the pond"), it can be classified as a complex sentence.

- Compound-Complex Sentence: A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.
- Since the given sentence only has one independent clause, it cannot be classified as a compound-complex sentence.

Therefore, the sentence "The noise from the ducks in the pond was soothing" is a complex sentence.