lobbyist activities re a. illegal b. regulated by laws c. not concernd with public policy d. driven by personal, not group, goals

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b. Lobbyist activities are regulated by laws.

Lobbying refers to the act of trying to influence government officials, legislators, or other decision-makers to take a specific course of action or adopt certain policies. While it is true that some lobbying activities may be seen as controversial or unethical, it is important to note that the legality and regulation of lobbying can vary from country to country.

In many democracies, including the United States, lobbying activities are subject to certain laws and regulations. These laws aim to increase transparency, prevent corruption, and ensure that lobbying is conducted in a fair and ethical manner. For example, in the United States, lobbyists are required to register with the government and disclose their activities, including the issues they are lobbying for, the organizations they represent, and the amount of money spent on lobbying.

Lobbyists are often hired by interest groups, corporations, or other organizations to advocate for their specific interests. While lobbyists may have personal goals and motivations, their primary objective is generally to promote the interests of the group or organization they represent. However, it is important to acknowledge that lobbying activities can vary in terms of the degree of influence they have on the public policy-making process.