1-Find an article that deals with current labor issues.

2- Find and article that talks about the competitive nature of international business.

3- Find and article that deals with market competition, either in general or a specific firm's competitive activity.

To find articles that meet your criteria, you can follow these steps:

1. Use a search engine or a news website's search function to look for a current labor issues article. You can include terms like "current labor issues," "workforce problems," or "employee rights". For example, search for "recent labor disputes" on a news website like Reuters or BBC News. This should provide you with articles that discuss the current labor issues.

2. To find an article on the competitive nature of international business, you can search for terms like "international business competition," "global market competition," or "competitive strategies in international markets." Using these keywords, try a search on Google or visit websites such as Forbes or The Economist. Look for articles that directly discuss international business competition.

3. For an article on market competition, you can search for terms like "market competition," "business rivalry," or "competitor analysis." Again, using these keywords, you can search on a news website or business publications like Harvard Business Review or Bloomberg. Look for articles that cover market competition either generally or focus on a specific firm's competitive activities.

Remember to review the credibility of the source and critically evaluate the information presented in the articles you find.